About Us
Our Departments
Although being a Science Academy, the school gives equal opportunities for students to excel and actualize their dreams in another field of endeavor depending on their area of interest and choice. In line with this, the school has five department.
Science Department
Core Courses
- English Studies
- Mathematics
- One trade/entrepreneurship – Electrical Installation and maintenance
- Civic education
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Select any two from the following
- Agric Science
- Geography
- Technical drawing
- Further Maths
- Computer studies
Humanities Department
Core Courses
- English studies
- Mathematics
- One trade/Entrepreneurship – BookKeeping
- Civic education
Select any four subjects of which one must be from item no 1
- Biology /Agric Science
- Lit. in English
- Geography
- Economic
- Computer studies
- Hausa.
Vocational/Art Department
Core Courses
- English studies
- Mathematics
- One trade/Entrepreneurship
- Civic education
Select any four subjects from the following:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Further Maths
- Computer studies
- Technical drawing
- Hausa.