Gwarzo Road opp BUK Old Site


Who we are

We are kano based
school of excellence

At Andal Science Academy, we believe that every individual is a physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional being. The purpose and function of the education we provide are to develop each of these areas to full capacity.


At Andal Science Academy, we operate an academic curriculum based on the prescribed National Policy on Education and the Goals stated therein.

School description

Andal Science Academy is a unique and outstanding boys’ secondary school designed to provide our students with excellent science education


Here at Andal Science Academy, we firmly believe that education without proper discipline cannot produce a total man

Andal Science Academy, previously a boys’ boarding secondary school, has recently transformed into a coeducational day school, catering to both boys and girls. In addition, the school has also launched a new Nursery and Primary section, offering a curriculum based on Montessori principles.

Our departments

We have the most competitive and learned departments

Although being a Science Academy, the school gives equal opportunities for students to excel and actualize their dreams in other fields of endeavor depending on the area of interest and choice. In line with this, the school have five departments, namely;

Our school prospects

Guidelines and structure

In any group or small society, where people     have to live and function together in a safe environment, it is necessary to have common guidelines and rules that all members adhere to.

  1. AtAndal Science Academy, you will treated and respected as a young responsible adult. You will be met with respect, openness and a positive attitude, you are expected to treat others in the same way.
  2. You must fellow your schedules, attend classes, participate in the school activities.
  3. You must complete assignments and submit on time. Failure to do so may attract serious punishment and an incomplete grade.
  4. Alcohol and illegal drugs are not allowed in the school.
  5. Smoking is banned
  6. Any form of hate speech or discrimination will not be tolerated.
  7. Any form of bullying  and / or violent conduct will not be condoned
  8. Any form of electronic items including cell – phones is not allowed in the school.
  9. Sexual intercourse / homosexual are forbidden in the school.

If you take ill, you are expected to go to the school sick bay for treatment.

Rules and Regulations

The academy pride itself in the maintaining of good discipline. We strongly believe that a child who is not disciplined cannot learn.

General Rules

  1. Bullying

Any form of bullying is strictly forbidden. Any student found guilty of bullying, whether physical or verbal, will be severally dealt with and could be expelled from the school.


  1. Dress

 Appropriate school uniform is to be worn at all times.

  1. Games

 Students will participate in school games to the satisfaction of their housemasters.

  1. Money

All pocket money must be in the custody of the school Accountant. No student is expected to hold money in the school.

  1. Noise

Running, whistling, shouting and unnecessary noises are not allowed   within the school premises.

  1. Computer room and library

The computer room may only be used under the supervision of a teacher. No student is allowed to bring his personal computer into the computer laboratory. Students are allowed access to the library during their free period. Noise and group discussion is not allowed in the library.

  1. Pornography  

Viewing or being in possession of pornography is against the law. Any student found guilty will be dealt with appropriately.

  1. Fighting among students

Students shall not fight or attempt   to course bodily harm to another student through physical contact. If a student is attempting to involve another student in a fight, the other student should walk away and report it to a teacher, counselor,   or principal. Students who instigate fights will be subject to the same consequence as those who are actually involved in the fighting.

  1. Insulting, Abusive, Harassing, Profane etc

Students shall respect other students, visitors, school employees and other persons by using appropriate language and behavior at all times. Any action which is insulting, abusive, harassing, profane, obscene or seriously disrespectful and which disrupts the learning process for any student or which demeans or degrades another person is specifically prohibited.

  1. Extortion

Student shall extort through verbal, written or physical threats, coercion or intimidate anything of value from any other students or school employee.

  1. Disruption of School ( inciting or participating in student disorder):

Student shall not lead or participate in any activity that has as its purpose the disruption of school activities.

  1. Unwarranted Activation of a Fire or other Alarm System:  

Students shall not activate any fire or other alarm system unless authorized to do so by school employees or unless there are reasonable grounds to believe that an actual emergency situation exists.  

  1. Possession of a Firearm, Dangerous weapon, or other Instrument:

Students shall not possess or conceal or transport any weapon that could cause or that is intended to cause bodily injury or harm to another.

  1. Students shall not possess, use, sell, transmit, deliver or distribute marijuana, narcotics, stimulant, alcoholic beverages etc at any time within the school premises.
  2. Students shall comply with the directions of all the school employees.
  3. Students shall not steal or attempt to steal, damage or destroy property of others using threats or bodily harm.
  4. Students shall not provide false information to school officials, parouts, or suerdians with  respect to any  report cord, attendance matter, grades or progress reports, discipline matters or any other school business.
Students Responsibilities
  1. Students Responsibility in the Classroom
  2. Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
  3. Bring the required books and writing materials to the class
  4. Listen and be attentive during lesson
  5. Follow instruction in the classroom
  6. Submit assignment on time
  7. Treat everyone and their property  respectively
  8. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
  9. Do not cheat
  10. Raise your hand politely and wait to be called upon if you want to ask any question during a class lesson
  11. Abstain from eating, drinking, chewing in class
  12. Be courteous to your teachers and classmates
  13. Head must remain off the desks at all times in  the classroom
  14. Do not write on the classroom desk.

B Students Responsibility in and outside the Hostel:

  1. Students need a pass to use the lavatory during class time and may only use designated lavatories.
  2. Students shall not litter in any part of the building or its environs.
  3. Students will not damage or deface any school property e.g. Mosquito nets, sockets, Air conditioners, ceiling fans e.t.c
  4. Students may not chew gum anywhere in the building
  5. Students may not remain in unsupervised areas
  6. Students must have / wear appropriate identification at all  times in the building
  7. Students will refrain from committing acts of violence against fellow students
  8. Students will refrain from gambling or playing cards anywhere in the building
  9. Students may not eat or drink in any area of the building except the dining hall.
  10. Smoking is prohibited in the building and on school grounds.
  11. Students will not alter any ASA issued identification card or document.


Students Right
  1. Students have the right to be trusted until that trust is violated.
  2. Students have the right to a friendly, safe and conducive environment for learning.
  3. Students have the right to enough home work.
  4. Students have the right to express themselves (in a polite manner) without fear of animosity or hostility.
  5. Students have the right to use academic and recreational facilities for legitimate purposes.
  6. Students have the right to make constructive critism and to offer ideas and thoughts of how to make ASA a better place.
  7. Students have the right to having personal space protected
  8. Students have the right to express their feelings freely and appropriately.


Our team

Our team of the most
competent and hardworking members

Dr Jibrilla Muhammad PhD


Akinmuwagun Samuel Ade
(B.S.C Ed, M.S.C)


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Our Most Popular
and Unique School Gallery

Undertaking Form

Click the link below to download the student undertaking form